An important addition to the number of species
The data from the BDM monitorings can be used to determine the average number of species in habitats and landscapes. But is this information sufficient to describe biodiversity in Switzerland in great detail? No, it's not! Relatively long species lists may be compiled for a particular habitat type or a particular region, but these may differ only slightly between the individual sampling areas. This indicates that such species communities are not particularly diverse. This fact is taken into account by the “Diversity of Species Communities” indicator, which compares the species lists of the sampling areas. Particularly high diversity is only achieved when as many species as possible occur per plot and the overlap of species lists between the sampling areas is low.Example of a simple calculation
The number of species is counted separately for each area. The indicator value is calculated from the mean value of these species numbers. To calculate the diversity of species communities, however, the species lists (presence-absence data) of two sampling sites are compared with each other. The proportion of different species is calculated using a diversity index commonly used in ecology, known as the Simpson Index.
The same procedure is used for all possible combinations of two sampling sites. The average of all calculated index values gives the indicator value. An indicator value of 1 means maximum diversity of the species communities. On a purely hypothetical level, this would occur if no species occurred in two compared sites. An indicator value close to 0 means that the species communities are very uniform. Although the calculation is simple in principle, on a computational level it is complex due to the various comparisons involved.
So what happens if the species composition changes over time? Two scenarios are set out below.